Principal Organist

West Chester, PA

St. Maximilian Kolbe Church

15 East Pleasant Grove, West Chester, PA 19382

May 2025

Title: Principal Organist

Department/Office: Music

Supervisor:  Music Director, Pastor

Positions Supervised: None

Status: Part time, non-exempt


Please e-mail resume to the Parish Business Manager, Susan Barbella, at


Principal Organist Job Description / Responsibilities

  • 1)To enhance the worship experience of St. Max Parish by:
    1. Providing organ and piano accompaniment for Choirs and Cantors
    2. Scheduling organists and ascertain there is coverage for all sung liturgies
    3. Contribute to fostering the art of musical liturgy
  • 2)Demonstrate proficiency in the following key areas:
    1. Organ and piano accompaniment in both traditional and contemporary styles
    2. Organ and piano soloist
    3. Knowledge of Roman Catholic Liturgy
  • 3)Provide accompaniment for:
    1. Regularly scheduled weekend Masses (4:00 p.m. Saturday, 9:00 a.m. & 10:30 a.m. Sunday)
    2. Weekly choir rehearsals
    3. Holy Days of Obligation
    4. Seasonal liturgies during Advent, Christmas, Lent, Easter
    5. Parish and School Penance services, Secular holidays as required
    6. School liturgies, as needed
    7. Any other parish services, as needed
  • 4)Ability to work in partnership with Director of Music and parish leadership/staff
  • 5)Assist in maintaining musical instruments and resources
  • 6)Coordinate music for Weddings*, with advance notice. (must arrange for a suitable substitute if unavailable). Coordinate with cantor, contact other instrumentalists if needed
  • 7)Provide prelude and postlude music as needed/requested
  • 8)Prepare weekly music for other accompanists in binder
  • 9)Pull hymn numbers for board and set up in advance of Vigil Mass
  • 10)Accompany Handbell Choir rehearsals when needed
  • 11)Rehearse with Cantors prior to Mass and at a separate rehearsal during week, as needed.

*Compensation for these services is from the families; the accompanist is contracted with them